Modern Warfare 3

Modern Warfare 3 Fans want Devs to Remove this Frustrating Feature from MW2

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By: Hypron || Oct 22, 2023

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is the latest installment in the popular first-person shooter franchise, and it has been met with mixed reactions from fans and critics alike. Some praise the game for its improved graphics, gameplay, and story, while others criticize it for its lack of innovation, bugs, and inconsistencies. However, one feature that seems to have pleased many fans is the elimination of the most frustrating feature from its predecessor, Modern Warfare 2: the slide-cancel delay.

Modern Warfare 2: the slide-cancel delay

Slide-canceling is a movement technique that allows players to slide and then quickly cancel the animation by aiming down sights or jumping. This enables them to maintain their momentum and surprise their enemies with fast and unpredictable movements. Slide-canceling first appeared in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and it was also present in Modern Warfare 2, where it was widely used by competitive and casual players alike.

Modern Warfare 3
Modern Warfare 3

However, in Modern Warfare 2, slide-canceling had a major drawback: it did not reset the tactical sprint, which is a faster but limited sprint that can be activated by double-tapping the sprint button. This meant that after sliding, players had to wait for a small delay before they could use the tactical sprint again, which slowed them down and made them vulnerable to enemy fire.

Many fans complained about this issue, as they felt it hindered their movement and made the game less fluid and fun. Some even suggested that it was a deliberate nerf to slide-canceling, as Activision wanted to reduce the skill gap between players and make the game more accessible to newcomers.

However, it seems that Sledgehammer Games, the developer of Modern Warfare 3, has listened to the feedback and addressed the problem. In a recent update to the beta version of the game, which is currently available for PlayStation users, they reduced the slide-cancel delay significantly, making it almost unnoticeable. This means that players can now slide and then immediately use the tactical sprint again, without losing any speed or momentum.

Many fans have welcomed this change, as they feel it makes the game more enjoyable and rewarding for skilled players. Some have even compared it to the movement system of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, which is widely regarded as one of the best in the series. One fan tweeted: “The slide cancel delay in the MWIII Beta has been reduced following an update a few hours ago. Here’s the comparison. Thoughts? I think it feels perfect, to be honest.”

However, not everyone is happy with this update. Some fans argue that slide-canceling is still too overpowered and unfair, as it gives players an unfair advantage over their opponents who do not use it. They claim that slide-canceling breaks the realism and balance of the game, as it allows players to move faster than humanly possible and dodge bullets with ease. They also point out that slide-canceling is not a realistic or authentic movement technique, as real soldiers do not slide around on the battlefield like ice skaters.

One fan commented: “Slide canceling is still broken af. It’s not realistic at all and it ruins the immersion of the game. It’s also unfair for players who don’t abuse this exploit. They should just remove it entirely or make it so you can only slide once per sprint.”

It remains to be seen how Sledgehammer Games will respond to these conflicting opinions and whether they will make any further adjustments to slide-canceling before the game’s official release on November 5th. However, one thing is clear: slide-canceling is one of the most controversial and divisive features in Call of Duty history, and it will likely continue to spark debates among fans for years to come.

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