10 Tips for Surviving Cutthroat in Modern Warfare 3

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By: Hypron || Oct 12, 2023

Cutthroat is a new mode in Modern Warfare 3 that offers a thrilling and challenging gameplay experience for players who love close-quarters combat and strategic planning. In this mode, three teams of three players each fight to eliminate each other or capture the overtime flag on core multiplayer maps. Each team has only one life per round, and the first team to win six rounds wins the match.

Cutthroat is not a mode for the faint of heart, as it requires players to be accurate, agile, smart, and cooperative. It also requires players to adapt to different situations and scenarios, as each match can be different depending on the map, loadout, strategy, and enemy behavior.

To help you survive and succeed in Cutthroat, here are 10 tips that you should keep in mind:

Cutthroat in Modern Warfare 3
Cutthroat in Modern Warfare 3

Choose your loadout wisely:

Your loadout is your best friend in Cutthroat, as it determines your weapons, perks, kill streaks, and field upgrades. You should choose a loadout that suits your playstyle, preferences, and objectives. For example, if you prefer stealth and mobility, you might want to use a suppressed SMG or shotgun, Ghost and Dead Silence perks, UAV and Counter-UAV killstreaks, and a Dead Silence field upgrade. If you prefer range and accuracy, you might want to use a sniper or marksman rifle, High Alert and Spotter perks, Precision Airstrike and Cluster Strike killstreaks, and Recon Drone field upgrades.

Communicate with your teammates:

Communication is key in Cutthroat, as it allows you to coordinate your actions, share information, and plan your strategy with your teammates. You should use your microphone or chat to communicate with your teammates effectively. You should also use the ping system to mark enemies, locations, items, and objectives for your teammates. Communication can make the difference between winning and losing in Cutthroat.

Stick together:

Teamwork is essential in Cutthroat, as it gives you an advantage over the enemy teams. You should stick together with your teammates as much as possible, as it allows you to cover each other’s backs, revive each other if needed, and combine your firepower. You should also try to flank or ambush the enemy teams together, as it increases your chances of eliminating them quickly and efficiently.

Be aware of your surroundings:

Awareness is crucial in Cutthroat, as it helps you avoid being surprised or ambushed by the enemy teams. You should be aware of your surroundings at all times, as you can be attacked from any direction. You should also pay attention to the sound cues, such as footsteps, gunshots, explosions, and callouts, as they can reveal the enemy’s position and movement. You should also use your minimap and compass to locate the enemy teams and the overtime flag.

Use cover and concealment:

Cover and concealment are vital in Cutthroat, as they protect you from enemy fire and detection. You should use cover and concealment whenever possible, as they can save your life and give you an edge over the enemy teams. You should use cover to shield yourself from enemy fire and peek out to shoot back. You should use concealment to hide yourself from enemy sight and sneak up on them. You should also change your position frequently to avoid being predictable or pinned down by the enemy teams.

Be aggressive but smart:

Aggression is important in Cutthroat, as it allows you to take initiative and control of the match. You should be aggressive but smart in Cutthroat, as it can help you eliminate the enemy teams before they eliminate you or capture the overtime flag. You should be aggressive but smart by pushing forward when you have an opportunity or advantage, such as having superior numbers or firepower, having a killstreak ready or active, or having the overtime flag nearby or captured. You should also be aggressive but smart by retreating or repositioning when you are at a disadvantage or risk, such as being outnumbered or outgunned, having a killstreak incoming or active against you, or having the overtime flag far away or contested.

Revive your teammates:

Reviving is essential in Cutthroat, as it can keep your team alive and in the game. You should revive your teammates whenever possible, as it can restore their health and revive their morale. You should revive your teammates by approaching them when they are downed and holding the interact button for a few seconds. You should also cover them while reviving them and ask them to cover you while being revived. You should also use smoke grenades or field upgrades to conceal yourself and your teammates while reviving them.

Capture the overtime flag:

Capturing is crucial in Cutthroat, as it can end the round in your favor and prevent a stalemate or a loss. You should capture the overtime flag whenever possible, as it can give you an instant win and a point for your team. You should capture the overtime flag by staying inside its radius for a few seconds without any enemy interference. You should also defend the overtime flag from the enemy teams while capturing it and contest the overtime flag from the enemy teams while they are capturing it.

Use your kill streaks and field upgrades:

Killstreaks and field upgrades are useful in Cutthroat, as they can enhance your performance and abilities and give you an edge over the enemy teams. You should use your killstreaks and field upgrades whenever possible, as they can help you eliminate the enemy teams, support your teammates, and secure the overtime flag. You should use your killstreaks and field upgrades by selecting them from your inventory and activating them with the appropriate button or trigger. You should also use them wisely and strategically, as they can have different effects and cooldowns.

Have fun and enjoy:

Fun and enjoyment are important in Cutthroat, as they are the main reasons why you play the game. You should have fun and enjoy Cutthroat, as it is a mode that offers a lot of fun and enjoyment for players who love close-quarters combat and strategic planning. You should have fun and enjoy Cutthroat by playing with your friends or making new ones online, trying different load-outs and strategies, and experiencing different maps and scenarios. You should also have fun and enjoy Cutthroat by being respectful and sportsmanlike to other players, learning from your mistakes and improving your skills, and celebrating your wins and achievements.

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