The Demon Slayer’s Anime Explained a Huge Mystery the Manga Never Did Revolution is Coming

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By: Hypron || Jan 23, 2024

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba season 3 might have ended by explaining one of the manga’s biggest mysteries, as the “Swordsmith Village” arc ends by revealing Nezuko can’t be killed by sunlight. This makes her unique to other demons, but the manga never actually explained why Nezuko was immune to sunlight, not even in any databooks, making it one of the biggest unresolved mysteries by the end of the series.

The Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba manga never explained Nezuko’s immunity to sunlight, but the anime might have answered it by showing Tamayo’s analysis of her blood in Demon Slayer’s season 3 finale.

It’s shown that Nezuko’s blood has blue elements to it, and since the Blue Spider Lily has the power to cure Muzan of his weakness to sunlight, the anime could hint that Nezuko’s immunity comes from the Blue Spider Lily. A justification for this can be found in one of the Demon Slayer databooks, and it would both explain one of the final twists of the series and make Muzan’s failure even more ironic.

Nezuko’s Sunlight Immunity in Demon Slayer is Tied to the Blue Spider Lily

Nezuko’s resilience to sunlight could be explained by her eating the Blue Spider Lily, which Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba has already justified. According to the second official databook, the Blue Spider Lily flowered near the Kamado family’s home, and Tanjiro was told its location by his mother. According to the same databook, Tanjiro was the only child to witness them bloom, but this does not imply that his siblings did not. Nezuko may have seen and eaten the Blue Spider Lily, making her immune to sunlight as a demon.

This hypothesis may also explain one of the final turns in the Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba manga. Muzan transforms Tanjiro into a demon just before his death in an attempt to preserve his heritage. Tanjiro, like Nezuko, was impervious to sunlight, with little explanation other than the fact that he is Nezuko’s brother. However, assuming Nezuko’s immunity arose from eating the Blue Spider Lily, Tanjiro’s immunity might be explained similarly, bringing legitimacy to what was otherwise a pair of poorly described plot surprises.

Demon Slayer’s Blue Spider Lily Makes Muzan’s Failure Even Better

Demon Slayer
Demon Slayer

The Kamado family’s knowledge of where the Blue Spider Lily flowered can explain why Nezuko was immune to sunlight, as well as provide complexity to Muzan’s failure. In the final chapter of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, it is revealed that the Blue Spider Lily only blooms a few times every year during the day, implying that Muzan spent millennia searching for something physically impossible to attain. The irony is heightened if Tanjiro and Nezuko attain the power Muzan covets as a result of Muzan’s hatred for humanity.

That irony underscores Muzan’s main flaw: his complete disregard for mankind. Muzan was never able to comprehend the value of humanity, and unlike other demons, he took his hatred to the grave when his final gambit failed in front of him. So, since Tanjiro and Nezuko survived in part thanks to the Blue Spider Lily, which they only had because of their humanity, that argument is pushed even further. It all adds dimension to Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, and the anime’s explanation of Nezuko’s talents is a nagging enigma that is satisfactorily resolved.

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