
DWG KIA handed Cloud9, Their First MSI 2021 Defeat

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By: Hypron || May 7, 2021

The mid-season Invitational 2021 finally started, to the great pleasure of League of Legends fans around the globe. But unfortunately for NA, the tournament started with DWG KIA’s victory over Cloud9.
DAMWON also had plenty of pressure to perform well against LCS members as the favourites for winning the entire event. Your first game will be a statement to the rest of the game as well as a first international match of the year.

Meanwhile, Cloud9 took the stage with far less pressure as they were regarded by most in this particular game as the underdogs. However, on the first day of the MSI games, some LCS fans were still breathing for potential upset.

DWG used its superior macro understanding and wave control to outdo Cloud9 in a textbook fashion. Although in the team fights they stumbled a little, the LCK champions were constantly ahead of gold and pressed Blaber too often and early. The 21-year-old would not have had as much influence on his side streets as he would have liked.

With a major gold advantage, DWG took control of the match with some stunning late-game engages from their top laner, Khan. In crucial team fights, his Gnar and BeryL’s Leona and Canyon’s Morgana caught several Cloud9 players to secure the victory.

Even though Cloud9 was not supposed to defeat DWG, the NA representatives would need to rebound in their next match against the LJL’s DetonatioN FocusMe to build momentum for the rest of the group stage. On the other side of the Rift, DWG will look to maintain their lead over Infinity Esports.

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